Strategic transformation: When is the ideal moment and the role of the consultancy?

With so many changes taking place in the corporate environment, new business models, digitization using strategies centered on digital platforms and artificial intelligence, IoT, machine learning, blockchain, nanotechnology, low cost disruptive innovations, disruptive innovations in new markets and disruptions in historical leaders, organizations need to be prepared to navigate an environment of constant change.

Notwithstanding all this, the pandemic caused the disruption of disruptions, which combined with an already accentuated economic and political crisis, made strategic transformation an opportunity or even a matter of survival for the vast majority of organizations.

In this context of important changes, and from a practical point of view, what does strategic transformation mean for your company? What benefits can this bring to your organization? Why should you hire a consultancy to help you?


What is strategic transformation?

The term strategic transformation means changing the very essence of a company. The transformational strategy consists of making drastic and significant changes in a company to change the course of its viability in the short and long term. Business transformation is the process of fundamentally changing systems, processes, people and technology across an entire company or business unit, to achieve measurable improvements in efficiency, effectiveness and stakeholder satisfaction.

Getting a good to great organization requires exceeding established operational and cultural standards. It requires mastery to identify the pain points that hinder the evolution of the business, to develop its transformational change plan by reviewing its strategy and business model, to establish an organizational realignment and to put the right resources to support the changes, while ensuring successful implementation of the change plan.

What are the advantages of a strategic transformation?

Even if there is not necessarily a platform on fire, a crisis to be resolved or an imminent threat to be overcome, or on the contrary, even if new technologies, processes and training have already been implemented, it is worth mentioning that individuals and organizations need to be changing every moment.

Strategic transformation is the opportunity that a company has to review the fundamentals of its own business, in order to adapt to the constant changes in its ecosystem, learning to deal with potential disruptions.

When reviewing its mergers and acquisitions strategy or its strategy to expand a start-up company, its tax or family succession strategy, its geographic expansion or internationalization strategy, its marketing and innovation or digitization strategy, its products or projects portfolio management strategy, all this allows your company to review your value proposition and improve your competitive advantage, for example.

A successful strategic transformation requires a joint effort on several fronts, as it is not usually a single specific area of the organization that is transformed, but the business as a whole. For this reason, it offers positive results from the beginning, reinvigorating the company’s growth mechanism and lastingly.

What factors may indicate the need for strategic transformation?

For a strategic transformation to take place and be effective, it is necessary to identify internal pain points or even external opportunities. Below is a list of some factors that usually trigger the need for a strategic transformation plan:

  • Lack of proper leadership to manage people and the company successfully 
  • Lack of adequate processes and tools to navigate the digital world
  • Misalignment of strategy and business model
  • Lack of clear business direction
  • Lack of innovation to adapt and succeed
  • Unrealized synergies or significant inefficiencies
  • Disruptive forces that affect the business and the operating model
  • Difficulties to achieve and sustain results
  • Opportunity to create a long-term succession plan
  • Opportunity for expansion through mergers and acquisitions
  • Investment opportunity in corporate startups
  • Opportunity for geographic expansion or business internationalization
  • Opportunity for automation of systems, functions and processes
  • Opportunity to implement digital platforms for commercialization (e-commerce or marketplace)

What is the role of a specialized consultancy in strategic transformation?

While change is inevitable, growth is optional. It is a choice. Leaders can be managers in times of crisis or turnarounds, but to change a company from good to great, they need to create conditions that facilitate that change and growth.

The role of consultancy specialized in strategic transformation is to provide extensive experience and adequate knowledge in transformational strategy. It must be able to combine a structured approach to problem solving based on data, strategic planning, strategic change management, organizational planning and strategic leadership knowledge.

Why is DSI Partners the best ally for your strategic transformation initiative?

DSI Partners does all this and more: as strategic transformation is our only business, we combine practical experience with in-depth knowledge and a unique approach through our exclusive Mutatis methodology, in addition to assertiveness, agility, technology, co-creation and sustainability, to ensure that your strategic transformation can happen. We have mastered the art of transformational strategy combined with the art of digital transformation, creating the right conditions to promote exponential changes and growth for your company. Our values ​​and trust, which reflect the strength of our character, are our most important assets.

Through the DSI Academy, which is the first business school in Latin America specialized in transformation strategy, we offer extraordinary synergy between Academy and Consulting, as no other company could offer in strategic transformation. By doing this, we participate in the execution of your transformation plan until the end with knowledge transfer and focus on “the how”, so that you can evolve in the art of generating strategic impact and taking control of changes, ensuring that your strategic transformation is lasting and profitable. We are prepared to support you in your strategic transformation initiatives across Latin America: we will go with you wherever your strategic transformation needs to evolve.

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