Analysis of our own strengths and weaknesses as a leader

It’s an interesting task to reflect about our own strengths and weaknesses as leaders. In order to do that reflection properly, we have to have an accurate self-knowledge and this is a challenging task by itself. I also understand that we can only be high-performance leaders and understand our followers well if we know ourselves first.
Some self-strengths examples to think about: strong role-model that communicates well; trust the team and delegate decisions to the more experienced components while work closer to the less experienced ones providing frequent coaching and performance feedback; pay attention to motivation stressing long term factors as purpose and autonomy.
On the other hand, some potential areas of improvement to become a more effective leader could be improving listening skills and better balance the energy dedicated to urgent issues that are not so relevant and to the important issues that are critical for the future; emotional intelligence management.
It is clear to me that the theoretical knowledge about effective leadership and the reflections above provide a valuable dive into ourselves and will certainly influence in a positive manner our development as a leader.

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